The Newsletter for Heart of Houston Birth and Wellness Families
September 27th

Happy Monday everyone. I don't know about you but this weather has me spending all my free time outside. While most of the country enjoys foliage of every color, Houstonians settle for lower humidity and the occasional breeze. For my family fall means birthday parties and Halloween decorations. Last week we celebrated my daughter Elias' 6th birthday and this weekend our baby will turn three. Sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago when they were born and other days it feels like yesterday we were making our weekly trips to the RE for blood work and ultrasounds. While I'm SUPER relieved I never have to do that again, I would do it a million times for the privilege of being Mamma to these two crazy kiddos.
Mary's eldest John Roland also had a birthday over the weekend and she shares his birth story with us. "Yesterday was John Roland's 9th birthday, so of course it was a chance to reflect on his birth. We were living in very rural Tennessee at the time and planned to give birth with a midwife in a nearby hospital. I had an ultrasound 3 days after my due date and we found my amniotic fluid was low. As soon as the ultrasonographer left the room tears rolled down my cheeks; I knew my midwife was going to recommend an induction of labor. Being a midwife, I didn't have a lot of expectations for my labor other than I really wanted to labor at home in the beginning. I had my cry and accepted the new path. The induction was pretty straightforward and took about 24 hours. Just before I pushed him out I had a laugh with my midwife that here I was, a midwife with an induction, an epidural, and the only way my baby was happy was if I was laying flat on my back. And with that, I pushed my baby out.
One thing I am most proud of about my birth was my ability to not be a midwife during my labor. I didn't look at the monitor. I didn't worry about progress. I didn't worry about what must have been some pretty big fetal heart rate decelerations that were happening every now and then. On that day I was just someone in labor."
These birthdays got us all up in our feelings over here!! Mary and I love this work we do and love sharing all the things we've learned along the way. You're story will be different from ours. It will be uniquely yours and your baby's and it will be transformative. Thanks for inviting us along on your journey, we are so honored to watch your family grow!
Over the weekend

We had our new member orientation over the weekend which included the new families planning to brith at Heart of Houston and Whole Heart Collective members who are getting their obstetrical care elsewhere. The benefit to having a mixed group of folks is that we can talk about the universal elements of birth. The midwifery model of care should not be exclusive to folks delivering in a community setting. Our shared experiences during pregnancy, labor and the early days of parenthood only strengthens our ties to one another and everyone deserves community. What are some of the ways you're hoping to connect with your HOH community?
Family Photos
Fall is also the time many folks get family photos that will become holiday cards. Maybe one day my wife and I will get our act together enough to actually get them in the mail. This year is our year, I can feel it! Check out your neighborhood Facebook or Nextdoor pages for local photographers offering full sessions and holiday mini sessions over the next couple of months. Our friend Hannah Castle is offering full sessions for folks in and around Houston. Share you family pictures with us and we will feature them on our IG account.

October Events
Houston we have a location for our very first Heart of Houston Halloween party! We've booked the picnic area just outside of the playground at River Oaks Park also known as the Pumpkin park. We hope you can join us for this family event on Saturday October 30th from noon to 2pm. Costumes are HIGHLY encouraged and by encouraged I mean just do it.
Sunday 10/3 We'll have a labor rehearsal and stages of labor review with special guest Shasha Summings of Massage Momma. This is an in-person event so please RSVP because space is limited. Masks are required to attend this event.
Sunday October 10th we will have a car seat specialist teaching how to choose and install the best carseat for your vehicle. Get hands on instructions on how to properly install infant and toddler car seats. This class is $20 per couple for HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective members (email for coupon code). $30 for non-members. This event will be be in person and masks are required. Get your tickets here.
Sunday October 17th Mary Love and Kathleen Wilson will walk us through laboring at home during early labor and when to head to your birthing place. She will cover comfort measures and how to recognize when the real party starts! Mary Love will discuss some of the common reasons birth plans have to change and what to expect if it happens. This is a great class for anyone preparing for birth, in or out of the hospital. Group is free to HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective members. Non members are welcome to join, price is $25 a couple. RSVP and/or purchase your ticket here .

Upcoming Events
Events are virtual unless otherwise noted.
Latch Clinic: Now on Zoom 10/13 & 10/37, 10am, Leah Jolly IBCLC will join our weekly postpartum support group to answer your feeding questions. We have breakout rooms now so you can spend a few min in private with Leah if necessary.
Postpartum Support Group: Get Outside! Wednesday the 29th we'll meet at the Water Works building on Sabine at 10am for a walk. This event is open to members and the public. Hope to see you then.
Ongoing Events
Postpartum Support Group: Every Wednesday from 10-12ish and Thursday 9:30-11:30. Zoom link has been sent to all HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective members. Email Jessica if you need more information.
Various Childbirth Education Curriculums starting soon: Rebel Birth weekly series or weekend intensive, and Bradley Method with Anne Zwicky. Birthing from within.
That's all for now. Have a good week, friends.
