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Bumpdate 9/13


The Weekly Newsletter for Heart of Houston Birth and Wellness Families

Happy Rainy Monday

Happy Monday, friends. I hope this newsletter finds you cozy at home or at least some place dry. Houston's weather extremes can be a pain in the ass no matter where in this sprawling city you live. Those of us who lived here during Harvey and other floods tend to get a bit anxious at times like this and with good reason! The good news is that thanks to the lockdown, most of us have learned to hunker down and work from home. So stay off the streets if you can, if you can't, turn around don't drown and all that jazz. I recommend turning off the 24hr weather coverage and doing some good old fashioned puddle stomping. I promise it will put a smile on your face.

Over the Weekend

We had such a great Partner's event on Sunday. We had six couples total; two expectant couples and four newly postpartum families. Each family had the opportunity to tell their birth story and give tips about what to expect in the first few weeks and months with a newborn. The expectant couples were able to ask those burning questions like, "How did you know you were in labor?" and "How did you prepare for birth?" Our expectant couples got to hear all about the various types of birthing experiance from our new parents. It was a really great reminder to keep an open mind about what labor will look like. We do the best we can in pregnancy to keep our body and mind healthy then we show up on game day and see what the Birth Gods have to offer us. It will be hard AND it will be worth it.

Members Forum

Just a reminder that we have a members only forum on our website. Avoid the smack-talking, end-of-days, mommy shaming content from those other social media platforms and hang out with us instead.

New Events

HOH Halloween Party!

Saturday October 30th 2pm

Location TBD

Halloween is my favorite month. That's right, month. This year we'll have our very first HOH family Halloween party so start planning your family themed costumes now! The whole family is invited. Hopefully we will be able to host at the birth center but because of this current COVID spike we might move it to an outdoor space. We will keep you posted. Please RSVP on the event page so we can have a good head count.

Postpartum Group

Now that the weather is getting cooler we are hoping to start meeting outdoors for our Wednesday group except for the days we have Latch Clinics. September 29th we will meet at the Water Works building on Sabine and walk the trails together. This is a stroller friendly event! Everyone, members or not, are welcome to attend. Keep an eye on our FB page for updates closer to the date or email me if you have any questions.

September 22nd Elaine Moreno, LCSW of Hello Therapy will join us for the second half of group to discuss managing overwhelming moments in the early postpartum period. We'll learn about the very normal emotional rollercoaster most parents experience with the birth of a baby and how to regulate ourselves so we can care for our little ones.

This weekend

This weekend's pregnancy group is one of my favorites. Leah Jolly and I will team up to discuss the first 48hrs of your new baby's life. Leah will give us tips on establishing a good latch to initiate breastfeeding and achieving your feeding goals. We will also talk about what to expect of your baby after birth and in the first few weeks of life. RSVP to this on the event page!

Upcoming Events

Events are virtual unless otherwise noted.

  • Latch Clinic: Now on Zoom 9/15, 10am, Leah Jolly IBCLC will join our weekly postpartum support group to answer your feeding questions. We have breakout rooms now so you can spend a few min in private with Leah if necessary.

  • Pregnancy Group: September 19th 2pm Newborn Care Basics and First 48 of breastfeeding. Jessica will teach what to expect from your newborn in the first few weeks of life followed by Leah Jolly IBCLC reviewing the ways to establish a good foundation for breastfeeding in the first 48 hours of your new baby's life. RSVP here!

  • Pregnancy Group: Sunday September 26th 4pm Zoom This session will cover all the benefits of included in your Whole Heart Collective membership and will be open for general Q&A. RSVP here!

  • Pregnancy Group: Sunday October 3rd 4pm Comfort Measures for all stages of labor. Sasha Sumling, LMT, CLD and EBB instructor will join us for a labor rehearsal. This class will be in person and is limited to 4 couples, masks are required. RSVP here!

Ongoing Events

That's all for now! Stay safe and have a great week, friends.

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