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Lift Off!

Wow! Things are happening around here. I don't just mean the kids are back at "school", Covid is still a beast, or that Houston might get to contend with not one, but two, hurricanes this week. No, I mean Heart of Houston Birth and Wellness Center is what's happening and thought I should share a quick progress update - before we get back to work.

Heart of Houston Birth and Wellness Center is Home! 10400 Main St, Houston TX 77025.

Last month we signed the lease on the property of our dreams. I noticed the property more than a year ago on my drive into the medical center and thought, "that looks like a birth center." Fast forward through excitement, let down, a good persuasive email, and a lot of patience , on July 15th we [docu]signed the dotted line. The last month has been filled with contracts, plumbers, floor samples, sign guys, gate openers, and hours and hours of looking for perfect birth tubs that won't blow our budget. Up next - demo and remodel! Look for our "before" post coming soon.

Along with all the fun parts of "shopping" there are mountains and mountains of not so fun parts. I'm sure there are folks out there that wake up in the morning and think, "Gee, writing a policy and procedures manual sure sounds like a lot of fun. In fact, the only thing that could make it better would be to also create contracts and informed consent docs- no wait, HIPAA! That sounds like more fun than should be allowed for one human being," It is more "fun" than one human being should handle. Thank You Jessica! Honestly, though, it really isn't so bad and it is a crucial part of development. It helps us better define Heart of Houston, and how it will work safely, efficiently, and effectively.

The last critical piece to get this ball rolling is closing our SBA loan and, fingers crossed, that will happen this week. When we close the loan we will be able to start the build out and renovation and set a realistic timeline for opening the doors. Right now, we are tentatively "booking" December due dates with the plan that we will be able to open the doors early November. Babies aren't great about announcing the exact day of the arrival - so we need to have a little wiggle room. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in learning more about having a baby with us- send them our way - we would love to talk.

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement. It has kept us motivated and moving forward. So many has helped get HHBWC where it is already, and don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunity to pitch in later on (woohoo yard day!), because that is what is at the heart of what we want to do - coming together to build something bigger than ourselves.

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