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The Bumpdate 4/4/2022

A Weekly Newsletter for Heart of Houston Birth and Wellness Families and Friends.

April Fool's Fail

Happy Monday dear ones! If you follow us on social media you probably witnessed my incredibly epic fail of an April Fool's joke. I googled "ugly bathrooms" and this was the first image to appear. While I can appreciate a love for all things vintage, I was totally caught off guard that so many people actually LOVED this picture when I presented it as our newly completed birthing suite. Oops... or yikes?! I'm not sure which. Sorry folks, we are going for a more minimalistic, less-grout-to-clean kind of look. The good news is that after meeting with our contractors last week have a better idea of our moving date. Lot's of big touches will be added this week and next with the final cabinets and other storage installations happening around the 21st. If all goes as planned we should be able to move in the first week of May. Just like EDDs (Estimated Due Dates), we could go a week earlier or two weeks later. So, once again we are focusing on the thing we can control and letting go of the things out of our reach.

Here are some actual pictures of the tubs and tile we'll be using! As you can see our color pallet is a tiny bit more subtle than the bright green and pink of our retro bathroom photo. Mary and I stuck around the space after the meeting and just day dreamed about all the cool events we'll have in our space come Summer. Stay tuned for more updates and pictures.

Over the Weekend

Our doula buddies Angel and Vero of Premier Doulas of Houston joined us for our Sunday Pregnancy Circle. We talked about the different stages of labor and how partners can help each step of the way. I love teaching expectant folks about the pure magic of the birthing body. I find that the biggest struggle for most first time parents is deciding WHEN to head to their birthing space or when to call their team to join them. While circumstances vary from person to person AND from one pregnancy to the next, most folks will show the same universal signs when it's go time. So the ultramarathoner will experiance many of the same physical symptoms as the person who walks their dog three times a day. Labor is the great equalizer; eventually we all end up on the same level playing field. True labor should not require you to do anything special to make it happen. It happens with or without your permission. So how do you know when to call your team or head out the door? Of course we want you to follow your provider's recommendations but a good rule of thumb is to leave when you are no longer able to answer questions during a contraction. I always tell folks I want this to be the worst car ride of your life. You should be working hard through minute long contractions and questioning all your life choices during the breaks in between. If you are chatty and smiling down the pothole infested streets of Montrose, you've probably come in too soon. At what point in your labor did you know it was time to leave? What surprised you most about your ride in?

April is International Cesarean Awareness Month

Birth is hard. Many birhty folks like to talk about labor and birth as an empowering experiance and it absolutely can be, but not always. Some folks walk away from their experiance, well, shook. For most of our lives A + B = C and when we prepare and study we get the outcome we desire. Birth is not that way. Sometimes you do ALL the things and the outcome is exactly what you worked so hard to avoid, and that is hard. Surgical birth can sometimes be seen as an outcome you want to avoid. The US has one of the highest c-section rates in the world and much of the research tells us that many births result in unnecessary c-sections. Groups like ICAN and VBAC Facts offer support for folks seeking the opportunity to deliver vaginally with subsequent pregnancies. Even though we do not offer VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) at Heart of Houston, we are fortunate enough to be partnered with one of the City's best VBAC providers, Dr. Damla Karsan. While a surgical birth might not be ideal for some birthing people, it, like many interventions, it has its place and can be the safest option for parent and baby. Our friends Tashira and Demi know first hand about changing plans. Demi decided she wanted to exit bottom first and after days of prodromal labor, Tashira met her daughter via belly birth...on my birthday!!

Meet Tashira and Demi

1. Who's in your family? Pets are family, too!

Demi Rose Williams-9 months on 4/7 Tashira 2. What is your biggest challenge currently? The biggest challenge is navigating parenting solo while learning to adjust and adapt to Demi's every so changing behaviors and moods. 3. What's your best pregnancy, birth, or parenting tip? I would say the best pregnancy tip is to drink lots and lots of water and stay physically active if you can. That includes cleaning around the house, walking, yoga and etc... 4. What's one thing you can't do without as a pregnant person or parent? My pregnancy pillow was a life saver throughout my pregnancy well up until 8.5 months lol 5. How do you fill your cup when it's empty?

I try to find time to relax and to recharge whenever I can...either by getting a massage, meditating, or doing absolutely nothing for at least 15 minutes without feeling guilty. 6. Tell us about something (or someone) you love. I love Demi soooo much. I never thought I would be a parent but here I am!! I love her so much even through the difficult times. She's by far the best blessing I've received.

Thanks Tashira and Demi!

Showing up Momma Strong

Don't forget this weekend's big event! This in-person Houston workshop is for Momma-To-Bes and New Mommas who are just starting out or are curious about MommaStrong. You will do the introductory lessons with real live guidance and have some fun along the way. This is also good for folks who have been around a while and need a reboot in the basics. Class is $60. We can't wait for you all to meet Courtney at this event hosted by HOH. Register on our event page to secure your spot. Spaces are limited!

Don't forget the Family Dance party!

We had one baby over the weekend but I didn't get the chance to get a good picture so you'll meet her next week!

Upcoming Events

Our calendar will look much fuller when we get into our new space!

  • Postpartum Support Group: Wednesday 4/6 10am-12pm in person

  • Postpartum Support Group : Thursday 4/7 zoom 9:30-11:30

  • Frame Dance Family Dance Party: Saturdays in April 10am 888 Westheimer FREE be reminded of the joy of play and movement with the whole family!

  • Momma Strong Jump Start Event: Saturday 4/9 2-4pm Join founder Courtney Wycott for a 2hr beginners session and introduction to one of the most popular pregnancy and postpartum programs around. Cost is $60

  • Queer Parent Meet up: Sunday 3:30 pm in person, lap babies welcome!

  • Pregnancy Group Core Class: New Member Orientation & Where to Begin Sunday 4/23 2-4pm on Zoom. This class is for new HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective Members. We'll cover all the benefits and content included in your membership and share tips on preparing for the 4th trimester right now.

Ongoing Events

  • Postpartum Support Group: Every Wednesday from 10-12ish and Thursday 9:30-11:30. Zoom link has been sent to all HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective members. Email Jessica if you need more information.

  • Queer Parent Circle: Second Sunday of every month 3:30-5pm Open to the public!

  • Birthworkers Circle: Second Sunday of every month starting Jan 2022 time 11am-1:30pm

  • Various Childbirth Education Curriculums starting soon: Rebel Birth weekly series or weekend intensive,and Bradley Method with Anne Zwicky. Birthing from within.

That's all for now! Have a great week everyone.

Know someone who should join our collective? Forward this to a friend!

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